Comparative analysis of different cooling methods of chillers

The cooling effect of chillers is involved in all aspects of life, bringing a lot of help to our lives. The cooling effect of chillers can be achieved in different ways. Do you know the common cooling methods of chillers? Commonly used refrigeration methods include cold water refrigeration, electronic refrigeration, solar refrigeration, laser refrigeration, absorption refrigeration, etc. Each cooling method has its own uniqueness. Let us learn about the specific information of the cooling method.
1. Electronic refrigeration
Electronic refrigeration mainly adopts the refrigeration method of electrothermal effect, and the operation is completed by using electric energy. The principle is to use the heat absorption phenomenon generated by the electric circuit to achieve the effect of refrigeration. It can absorb a lot of heat from the air to promote the operation of the chiller. The conversion of hot and cold spaces is generally achieved by changing the direction of the current. This refrigeration method is suitable for small-scale production and has strong operational flexibility.
2. Absorption refrigeration
Absorptive refrigeration is a tool that utilizes characteristics, through the absorption and release of thermal energy between substances to produce state changes of substances, so as to achieve energy conversion and achieve refrigeration. Effect. The absorption refrigeration method generally uses natural water or ammonia as the refrigeration medium, which is green and pollution-free, and will not cause harm to the environment and atmosphere. It can also use energy such as waste heat, which is very energy-saving.
3. Magnetic refrigeration
Magnetic refrigeration is a way to use the change of the magnetic field to reduce the temperature of the surrounding environment to achieve the cooling effect through the absorption and release of heat by the magnet. It is a high-efficiency refrigeration method, which consumes less energy than other refrigeration methods, and is a chiller refrigeration method worthy of development.
The above three refrigeration methods have been widely used, and it is believed that in our continuous efforts, more new refrigeration methods will be developed.

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