Four main points of map recognition in outdoor sports

Maps are an indispensable tool in our lives. From commercially available maps with different functions, such as county and city maps; street maps; play area sketches; global maps, etc., along with outdoor sports and tourism, The development of various versions of the map is also endless. People can easily buy local maps at many local stations, docks, and newsstands. Some cities and tourist attractions also put maps into the book sales market. This provides great convenience for some backpackers. As the so-called “a picture in hand, travel the world without fear.” So how to use the tourist map correctly and make our outdoor trip successful and complete? I think it should be considered from the following aspects.

First, choose maps correctly

Because of the market and industry factors, there may be various maps for sale in the same area. It is understood that there are dozens of versions of maps in the Beijing area alone. But all maps, regardless of their form, are generally of the following two types: one is a tourist traffic map (or a traffic and tourist map, which means the same). It mainly refers to the comprehensive tourism map composed of an urban plan, distribution map of tourist points, traffic map inside and outside the city, photos, text introduction, and other components. This kind of map information is rich, comprehensive, detailed, low in price, large in circulation, and easy to carry. It can meet the needs of most travelers, so it is also the first choice for most tourists to travel. It can also be very convenient to buy after the land and can grasp the relevant information in a relatively short period. The second is the city tourism atlas. Appearing in the form of atlases or albums, it comprehensively introduces the spatial distribution of various tourist attractions in the city. It provides more detailed travel information such as food, accommodation, shopping, and entertainment. The content is detailed, with pictures and texts, and the decoration and printing are exquisite. This type of map is more suitable for single travel destinations and travelers who have more time to prepare for travel, and people can buy such an atlas in many bookstores.

In purchasing a tourist map, information, version, and other aspects should also be considered. High-quality tourist maps are mainly based on maps, supplemented by text introductions, photos, etc., to provide tourists with comprehensive and practical information. But some tourist maps are occupied by a lot of content that is not beneficial to tourism activities, such as commercial advertisements. Tourists need too little information, and the function of their tour guide services is greatly reduced. Then there is the issue of the version. There are many different versions of maps in many places; some focus on transportation, some focus on tourism, some focus on business, and some are a combination of the above two or three; for us, of course, to buy those Maps with tourist components are included. But even maps with a tourist component have issues with a publication time. Many businesses still sell old and outdated maps, some publishing houses change the old maps to a new publication time, and of course, there are many pirated maps. There are many problems with the accuracy of the information. So we have to be a little more careful when choosing a map.

Second, correctly understand the information composition of the tourist map

The travel activities of ALICE mainly involve the six elements of travel, food, accommodation, travel, shopping, and entertainment. The map mainly plays a role as a guide for tourists to achieve such needs, so its information mainly revolves around the above six elements.

Three, read map information correctly

Although tourist maps provide a lot of information, most tourist maps have roughly the same legend. Through the legend, we can:

1. Determine the direction

Generally speaking, the directions on the map are up north, down south, left west, and right east. However, some maps will slightly change according to the size and shape of the city or scenic spot. In this case, there will be a clear direction sign (mostly in the shape of a cross) on the map, and through this direction sign, we can judge the main direction of this area. When the direction is determined, the location of each location marked on the map and the direction in which each line extends can be accurately located. As a tourist, after arriving at a place for the first time, you should first find out your current location on the map, and then according to your needs, you can quickly find out the direction and location of your next destination on the map. After determining the direction and position, you can make a reasonable and correct decision for your next move.

2. Press “Map” to request

Each traffic map has a clear legend. A symbol of what each line represents. It can be said that on the map, every traffic line, every tourist attraction, every commercial area or important shopping center, hotel, bank, hospital, theater, school, monument, mausoleum, mountain, river, lake, etc., has some specific characteristics. symbol to represent. In general traffic and tourism maps, the color of a piece is usually a crucial distinction. Green areas usually represent green spaces, gardens, or scenic spots; light yellow areas usually represent built-up and pink (or dark yellow) areas. Usually represents commercial districts, blue areas represent lakes or rivers, and light blue areas represent suburbs or rural areas. Through these different legends, we can follow the map and find the place we want to find in a square inch.

3. Calculate distance

General tourist traffic maps have scales (there are exceptions), and some tourist maps also indicate latitude and longitude. We can roughly estimate the relative distance between different destinations through the scale to make a more reasonable plan for our next move.

4. Labeling information

Whether in the preparation process before the trip or in the process of the trip, after some research on the map, we have to Mark important places. For example, traffic line sites, tourist attractions, hotels, shopping places, etc. In this way, in traveling, we can be clear at a glance, have a definite purpose, plan rationally, save time and effort, and thus complete the travel activities comfortably.

Fourth, some skills in the use of contour maps

Outdoor activities, especially mountaineering, the most needed map is the contour map, which can show the various parts of the surface. All-terrain, such as mountains, valleys, dangerous or gentle slopes, cliffs, or cliffs, can be fully exposed.

Basic indication of contour map

Contour map is to connect points with the same height on the ground into a loop and directly project it onto the plane to form a horizontal curve. Loops of different heights will not meet. , unless there are cliffs or cliffs on the surface, the lines are too dense to appear overlapping. If the surface is flat and open, the distance between the curves is quite wide, and its baseline is the average sea level line of the sea level. Standard, there are labeling instructions at the bottom of each map to make it easy for users to use.

The scale bar is a symbol that must be marked on the map. It shows the proportional correlation between the actual distance on the ground and the distance displayed on the map. For example, a map of 1/100,000 means one centimeter; the actual distance is one kilometer. A map of 1/50,000 represents one centimeter; the actual distance is 500 meters. For maps with different scales and the actual distance, the accuracy of a small-scale map is higher. Scale bar and actual distance conversion table Map scale field distance (meter) Map distance (cm) 1: 25, 0001, 00041: 50, 0001, 00021: 100, 0001, 0001

Contour map Basic markings

The map number is the number representing the name of the map. Maps of different scales are compiled with the code number of their respective system, formulated in latitude and longitude units so that each map can be closely connected.

Azimuth declination is the angle that indicates the relationship between true north (the earth’s north pole), magnetic north (the magnetic needle shows the north), and the grid north (the map indicates the north) and the deviation from each other. The annual magnetic variable value, when we use the compass to indicate our position and then compare the map, we can quickly know where we are and what direction to go next and the surrounding terrain changes.

The legend illustrates the meaning of various symbols on the map. Generally, the symbols that climbers pay more attention to are triangular points, collapsed walls, rivers, lakes, and slopes.

Contour maps and terrain analysis

Types of contours

When we look at the contour map, we will find that the lines drawn on the map have two thicknesses. This kind of line is designed for the convenience of users to read. The thick line is called the meter curve and indicates the altitude, and the distance between the meter curves is 0.2 cm. The thin curve is called the first curve, which is between the meter curves and is convenient for analysis. For the function of terrain, there are four first curves between every two-meter curve, so the unit of distance between each line is 0.04 cm.

Blind spots of contour lines

The higher the scale, the worse the precision, because the actual distance between the contour lines is too wide so that the terrain in this space cannot be distinguished. Blind spots occur. Taking a map of 1 in 50,000 as an example, the actual distance between each curve is 20 meters (equivalent to the height of a seven-story building).


Slope is one of the most easily identifiable topographic features on contour maps. We can understand the slope of each mountain peak by looking at the map. For example, the narrower the distance between the curves, the steeper the slope, the wider the curve spacing, and the gentler the slope2. If the distance between the curves of the mountain peaks is even, the section is of an equal slope. If the distance above is smaller than below, the section is the concave slope. Otherwise, it is convex. The concave slope and the convex slope are calculated according to the calculation formula of the trigonometric function method. Relationship. (Slope) ??=tan-1n/m Table 2. Slope, Slope Condition, and Walking Degree ??Climb 25??~30?? on semi-precipitous hillsides, climb 35??~45?? on steep hills, climb 45??~90?? on steep hills, and climb cliffs with equipment.

Drawing and reading contour maps

When we buy a contour map, we must see if it fully covers our scheduled activity area. Usually, we have to buy and put together two To four maps; we do not carry the original map to the wild. We (1) give priority to photocopying and collaging the map of the scheduled activity area, (2) read the map carefully to distinguish the main and branch lines (that is, the two peaks). Connecting lines), streams, slopes, cliffs, collapsed walls, and other topographical features; (3) Use different color fluorescent pens to draw the main ridges and streams and mark the predetermined route and campsite; (4) Use scotch tape to match the map with The plan for the scheduled itinerary of the activity is completely glued and sealed, so it is easy to carry and has a waterproof function.

Conclusion: The role of the map in our activities is obvious, and the correct choice and use of the map directly affects the quality of our travel. As travelers, we must learn to use the map correctly, use the map, and play the role of the guide before the tour and the guide during the tour. At the same time, even if a complete itinerary ends, we cannot discard the map of an area at will. On the one hand, it has important commemorative significance. It has witnessed one of our activities and will evoke our good memories; on the other hand, a map, At the same time, also witnesses the development of a place in a specific period, so it has a certain historical significance. When we have the opportunity to revisit the old place, there will be a comparison, resulting in the sense of historical change. Based on this, as tourists, we must also carefully protect every map we have ever used.

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