Here’s what you need to do when you get lost outdoors and await rescue!

< intense>Panic and absent-mindedness are common characteristics of lost people

The panic in the early stage of getting lost leaves one’s mind blank, and with the secretion of adrenaline, it is easy to speed up the pace, Even running

in a panic, these are all natural reactions, but they are not helpful to the situation of getting lost in the wild, and are only harmful. However, such a panic process is a natural reaction, and no one can make exceptions. We can reduce the time and degree of panic as much as possible. The most helpful thing to do is to immediately stop and take a deep breath until your heartbeat and thoughts slowly slow down and are close to normal. At this time, the brain can think again and think carefully about what to do to return to the position before getting lost. This is followed by an assessment of the various possible practices and their possible outcomes and the determination and implementation of best practices.

Easy Memorization STAR

Stop:Stop, take a deep breath, and calm down

Think:Look around, think about possible scenarios

Assess:Assess Scenarios and their potential consequences

Response: Implement the best scenario

Make yourself bigger so searchers can find you


When implementing the best plan, you can use any artificial method to leave clues. When the searcher finds these clues that are different from the natural environment, if these are more directional, the searcher will find Your odds can be greatly improved:

1. Use a pen to leave personal information on the garbage (bag) and tie the garbage (bag) to the branch.

2. Leave brightly colored items or equipment unrelated to safety.

3. Use branches and stones to make arrows.

4. Knot the thatch and ferns.

5. Climb and break branches and ferns along the way.

6. When encountering mudflats, leave clear shoe prints.

7. Raise a fire covered with live greenery to raise wolf smoke.

8. Any other clues that can leave a difference from the natural environment?

Staying is usually the best way

If you are sure you are lost and not sure how to get back to a known point, it is usually best to stay where you are a method and the recommended practice for all safety courses. Because objects that don’t move are easier to spot than a lost person who moves.

However, the proportion of missing persons who stay in place is usually not high, and it takes a long period of promotion to increase the proportion of lost people who stay in place for assistance.

Simple memory method:

S: stop

T: think about what resources you have on your body

O: observe whether there are any Possibility of mudslides, swollen streams

P: Make plans to wait for rescue

Hugging a big tree

If you happen to be near you There is a big tree, and staying under the big tree can give people a feeling of stability and support.

333 Principles of Waiting for Rescue

In the process of waiting for rescue, if the energy consumption of the body can be minimized, the waiting time can be extended. to the longest.

Waiting for rescue 333 principle:

3 hours hypothermia, three days without water, three weeks without food. In waiting for rescue assistance, the most important and urgent need for protection is the body temperature, but it is easy to ignore. When you feel the possibility of hypothermia, the body needs a lot of energy to recover to normal body temperature, which is very bad for waiting for rescue because you have spent a lot of precious energy. Hypothermia usually occurs when the environment is low temperature, the body is wet, and the body is windy. If you are not alert to the wet state of the body, it is easy to find out when you are in a state of slight hypothermia, and the state of getting lost is alarming. I want to get out of trouble quickly, and I don’t care too much about the state of my body, but hypothermia is the fastest killer of people, far faster than the situation without water or food.

Water is essential for people to live on. When people do not have water and are not in a boiling and exposed state, as long as there is some water around, they can maintain at least 5-7 days of warmth. Days of rescue time are generally not a problem.

The will to survive is the key to rescuing

There was once a rescue case in a high mountain in winter with smooth communication due to bad weather, it was necessary to wait for the weather Only after improvement can there be rescue on the ground or in the air. When the rescue team communicated daily to confirm the food stock, they got the answer: There were still three days of food, which made the rescuers wonder. It turned out that he divided the food into three portions daily, and after eating one portion, he divided the rest into three portions again. This way, the amount of food that could be eaten every day would be reduced, but there would always be three days of food in reserve. This is a great practice, not only to give people the idea of worry-free food but, more importantly, to have psychological support that can continue to wait for rescue.

Most of the lost and rescued people have the same belief that they can wait until the rescuer arrives. In many cases, the will to live is the most important item for the rescued.

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