How To Lose Weight With Treadmill Treadmill Weight Loss Week Plan

How to use a treadmill to lose weight A week plan for weight loss on a treadmill

A treadmill is an ideal exercise machine for weight loss, you can accurately grasp the speed, incline and time , whether you are a novice or a senior athlete, you can design a set of exercise plans according to your own sports purpose. Below is a weekly plan that combines three exercise intensities to target weight loss.

Day 1: Small amount of exercise, low intensity

Adjust the treadmill incline to 1%, the intensity is “level 1”, jog or brisk walk 40-60 minute. You can’t do high-intensity workouts every day, and muscles need to adjust and recover in order to perform their tasks better.

Day 2: Shifting practice

Increase the incline to 1% and run or briskly walk for 30-60 minutes. Change the intensity every 5 minutes, alternating between “level 1” and “level 3”. With the strengthening of physical fitness, the time of “level 3” should also be extended accordingly. This means continuously improving the body’s ability to burn calories.

Day 3: Rest or relaxation practice

You can rest completely or practice what you did on day 1.

Day 4: “Lactic acid tolerance circle” exercise

Incline treadmill to 1%, warm up and run at “level 2” intensity Or brisk walk for 20 minutes. You may only be able to complete one 20-minute exercise at the beginning, and as your fitness increases, you will complete two or even three 20-minute intensity exercises. Jog for 5 minutes in between to recover.

Day 5: Rest or relaxation exercises (same as Day 1)

Adjust the treadmill incline to 1%, intensity “level 1”, Jog or brisk walk for 40 to 60 minutes. You can’t do high-intensity workouts every day, and muscles need to adjust and recover in order to perform their tasks better.

Day 6: Incline Practice

Set the treadmill incline at 4% and run or briskly walk for 1 minute at a “level 2” intensity. Then lower the incline to 2% and run or briskly walk for 1 minute at “Level 1” intensity. Increase the incline again to 5%, run or walk at a “level 2” intensity for 5 minutes, then drop to 2% and relax for 1 minute. Repeat this cycle until you reach 10% incline, ending with 5 minutes of relaxation at 2% incline. When your fitness is improved. When you need to increase your intensity, do it with increased speed rather than incline. This exercise is very effective for strengthening the lower body. It can also improve the line of the muscles of the lower body.

Day 7: Rest

Whatever your cardio fitness goals, using a treadmill can help. Use this wonderful fitness tool wisely and you will definitely be able to achieve your goals.

Reduces the risk of heart disease

High-intensity exercise not only increases fat-burning energy and energy levels, but also reduces the risk of heart disease. A study of longevity in Japan confirmed that high-intensity running can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease more than low-intensity walking.

Calculating Calorie Burn

Most treadmills can display calorie burn, but this number is often inaccurate. The following is a simple calculation method. If you are exercising at a “level 1” intensity, you will burn about 3 to 5 kcal per minute. Moderate intensity burns 10 kcal per minute, while high intensity burns 15 kcal. Of course, the weight factor of the exerciser should also be taken into account. The heavier you are, the more you consume.

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