In which aspects should the air conditioning purification system be maintained?

The entire air conditioning purification system is composed of some air conditioning purification equipment, air conditioning systems, etc., so its maintenance is for each component in the system. It mainly includes the following aspects:
First of all, refrigerators and chillers. When we build an air conditioning system, the choice of cold source equipment is often based on many factors, such as power conditions, application scope and so on. Therefore, such an important equipment must be properly maintained to prolong its service life and keep the cooling efficiency as long as possible.
The second is the cooling water system, which mainly discharges the heat in the refrigeration system, but due to long-term use, the condenser in the cooling water system will form a layer of scale due to the water quality, thus affecting the refrigeration. Effect. Therefore, the scale formed in the condenser must be removed. Of course, there are many methods, which can be manual or mechanical and chemical cleaning, but this can only play a temporary role, and the fundamental problem has not been solved. That’s the question of water quality, and that’s what we’re going to talk about next.
The main water involved is tap water. Generally, the water in the system does not come into contact with the air and is not exposed to sunlight, so it is not easy to deteriorate and it is not easy to scale. However, due to the effect of corrosion, the water quality will be deteriorated, the pipeline will be blocked, and the cooling effect will be affected. Therefore, it is necessary to take anti-corrosion measures for all metals in the pipeline system to effectively prevent the formation of deposits.
The refrigerant and its system must be inspected and maintained regularly, and the filter of the terminal equipment must be cleaned regularly; a strict supervision system must be implemented to ensure the normal operation of the system, and the refrigeration system can last for a long time.

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