[Insomnia topic] How to deal with long-term insomnia How to improve sleep quality Is your sleep okay?

Introduction: People sleep

for an average of 24 years in their lifetime. High-quality sleep can make us feel refreshed and refreshed. However, poor sleep quality is a common problem of modern people, and insomnia seems to be the norm. What is occupying your sleep time? In addition to the pressure of life and work, poor sleep habits can also lead to insomnia. This issue introduces you how to deal with long-term insomnia, and how can we improve sleep quality? Insomnia refers to the inability to fall asleep or maintain a sleep state, resulting in insufficient sleep. Also known as sleep onset and sleep maintenance disorder (DlMS), it is a common disease caused by various reasons such as difficulty in falling asleep, too short sleep depth or frequency, early awakening and insufficient sleep time or quality. Insomnia often brings great pain and psychological burden to patients, and will damage other aspects of the body due to the abuse of insomnia drugs. But there are also many ways to relieve and treat insomnia. 1.17 percent Very poor 25.25 percent Fair 49.63 percent Good 23.41 percent Very good How is your usual sleep quality? content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content Content 54.15 percent Insomnia 22.61 percent Dreamy 15.55 percent Easy to wake up 2.81 percent Snoring 4.88 percent What are the other main manifestations that affect sleep? content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content Content 100 percent 90 percent 80 percent 70 percent 60 percent 50 percent 40 percent 30 percent 20 percent 10 percent 0 Taking sleeping pills 21.93 percent Exercise before bed 16.98 percent Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning 14.83 percent Environmental improvement 13.9 percent Food improvement 12.76 percent Others 16.98 percent How to solve it Insomnia problem? content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content Content 100 percent 90 percent 80 percent 70 percent 60 percent 50 percent 40 percent 30 percent 20 percent 10 percent 0 Media 56.5 percent Healthcare 60.8 percent White-collar workers 61.6 percent Workers 61.9 percent Managers 62.1 percent Finance 62.2 percent Sales 62.3 percent Civil servants 62.5 percent Teachers 62.6 percent of the occupations in which occupations have the highest sleep index? content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content content Content Content What are the hazards of insomnia 16 percent Physiological problems 6 percent Immune problems 54 percent Skin problems 24 percent Mental problems Title Title Title Title Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content Content

1, memory loss

occasionally Insomnia may not be felt, but as insomnia changes from accidental to long-term, patients will gradually feel that their memory is not as good as before, and they have no energy to do things, resulting in low work efficiency and long-term anxiety. , Grumpy, seriously affecting normal life.

2. Decreased immunity

Patients with long-term insomnia may have a profound experience. Not as good as before. Decreased immunity leads to a decrease in the body’s ability to resist disease. Many insomniacs are prone to colds, which can have adverse health effects.

3, Taking away women’s health and beauty

Sleep plays an important role in women’s beauty and health. Long-term sleep disorders can cause premature aging in women such as sallow complexion, rough skin, dark circles and wrinkles. In addition, long-term insomnia can lead to female fatigue, headache, upset, irritability and lack of self-confidence.

4. Seriously affect the quality of life

Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders, and if it is an occasional sleep disorder, the patient will be tired the next day out of coordination with movements. Long-term sleep disturbance reduces the quality of life of patients and increases the risk of developing mental illness. such as depression and anxiety.

5. Affecting children’s physical development

Adult insomnia can self-regulate to relieve insomnia symptoms, but if it is children’s insomnia, it must be highly regarded. Children themselves are a vulnerable group, and their ability to express themselves is also poor. If parents do not pay attention to it, allowing children to lack sleep will lay hidden dangers for their health.

6. Increase the chance of death

The cell division of the human body is mostly carried out during sleep. Lack of sleep or sleep disturbance will affect the normal division of cells, resulting in It is possible to generate mutations in cancer cells that lead to the development of cancer. In addition, insomnia can also make people’s autonomic nervous system disorder.

7??Long-term insomnia leads to depression

With the development of society, the pressure of love, life, employment, etc. Considering the inducement of depression and excluding other factors of physical diseases, insomnia is a significant feature of patients with depression, but it is often ignored that insomnia may be depression.

Five major factors that lead to insomnia

1. Physical factors

Physical factors refer to the fact that a person’s physical constitution is more sensitive to changes in the external environment, which is manifested as being more intelligent and capable , have a strong sense of responsibility, and are prone to overthinking when encountering problems, and this group of people accounts for 3.5 percent;

2. Mental and psychological factors

Mental and psychological factors The factors include emotional unhappiness, mental fatigue, worry and fright in case of accident, etc., and these people account for 55.9 percent;

3. Disease factors

Disease Factors include physical diseases and other mental diseases, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, endocrine diseases, chronic pharyngitis, respiratory diseases, cervical spondylosis, depression, anxiety, etc., which accounted for 16.4 percent;

4. Environmental factors

Environmental factors have changed due to the environment, such as house demolition, moving into a new house, unfamiliar with the surrounding environment, working three shifts, frequent business trips, 3.6 percent of people living in houses by the road are affected by noise from cars and other causes of insomnia;

5. Drug factors

Drug factors due to taking The side effects of drugs, such as certain antibiotics, vasodilators, hormones, antipsychotics, antituberculosis drugs, etc., caused insomnia accounted for 1.3 percent; another 19.3 percent of insomnia patients were reluctant to disclose the cause of the disease.

What are the symptoms of insomnia? Difficulty falling asleep, unable to fall asleep, sleep time reduced, waking up early, unable to fall back to sleep after waking up, frequently waking up from nightmares, self-perceived as having nightmares all night, without recovery of energy after sleeping, the onset time can be long Short and easy to wake up, some are sensitive to sound or light, many insomniacs like to think wildly, long-term insomnia can lead to neurasthenia and depression How to improve sleep quality

1. Warm feet

Women with cold feet sleep worse than women with comfortable and warm feet, and it is recommended to wear thick socks to bed.

2. No windows

Allergenic substances and sleep-inducing noises enter the bedroom through open windows. It is recommended to sleep with the windows closed.

3. Bed comfort

Make the mattress thicker and softer for unexpected results. In addition, keeping warm during sleep is also very important, because the body temperature will drop after falling asleep, and if it is not warm enough, it will also affect the time of deep sleep.

4. Regular exercise in the face of stress

It is often difficult to fall asleep after strenuous exercise. Regular exercise can not only help relieve stress, reduce awakenings from dreams, relieve symptoms of insomnia, relieve stress, achieve physical and mental health, but also prolong the time of deep sleep, but it should be noted that exercise should be done 2 hours before bedtime. , Because exercise will increase the body’s body temperature, promote the secretion of adrenaline, make people invigorated, and make it difficult to fall asleep.

5. Sleep environment

The quality of sleep is closely related to the sleep environment. Sleep well in temperatures between 15 and 24 degrees. The smoke left by smoking after closing the doors and windows in winter, as well as the escaping incompletely burned gas, can also make people unable to sleep well. Those who live near sources that emit high-frequency ionizing electromagnetic radiation and have poor sleep for a long time, rather than their own diseases, are better off living far away.

6. Sleep time

The sleep time should generally be maintained for 7 to 8 hours, but it is not necessarily required and should be determined by individual differences. Those who fall asleep quickly but sleep deeply, generally have no dreams or few dreams, can fully recover their energy after 6 hours of sleep; those who fall asleep slowly and sleep lightly with more eyes and frequent nightmares, even after 10 hours of sleep, are still unable to feel refreshed and should Through various treatments to get effective sleep, just prolonging the sleep time is harmful to the body. Since everyone has a different circadian rhythm, the arrangement of sleep morning and evening should vary from person to person!

Human Organs Night Work Schedule Time Human Work Organs 21:00-23:00 The last hour of the day, that is, “Ren Ding”, should be rested quietly 23:00-1:00 The time for bile to produce new products and bone marrow hematopoiesis requires Deep sleep 1: 00-3: 00 Liver meridian “on duty”, which is the repair time of the liver, need to sleep 3: 00-5: 00 Lung meridian “on duty”, is the breathing operation time, need to fall asleep 5: 00-7: 00 The large intestine meridian is vigorous, which is conducive to excretion. It is advisable to go to the toilet to defecate from 7:00 to 9:00. The stomach meridian is “on duty”, the stomach has been empty all night, and you should eat breakfast for insomnia. Misunderstanding 1: Before going to bed Exercise

Not only does it not help sleep, but it also makes the already tired muscles more tense, and the brain will be more awake, but can’t sleep;

Myth 2 : Take some sleeping pills

Sleeping pills can’t be taken indiscriminately! Sleep after taking sleeping pills is different from physiological sleep, but passive sleep (you will still feel tired when you wake up);

Myth 3: Reading before going to bed

If you want to read a book before going to bed, it is better to have a relaxed prose. If you forget about some novels with intense plots, it will only make your brain more excited, and you will dream after falling asleep;

Myth 4: Drinking to help sleep

This is a very unwise way to fall asleep, but it is easy to have difficulty breathing, unsteady sleep, stomach pain, thirst, and wake up with a heavy head; Get enough sleep 8 hours

Occasionally one or two lack of sleep time won’t make a big difference, don’t be afraid of lack of time and nervousness, which will make it worse.

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