Some do’s and don’ts for walking through bushes outdoors

The bush makes trekking dangerous and difficult. Scrubs cover cliffs, boulders, canyons and are dangerous; they are also rope traps.

Shrub forests grow in moist areas, low latitudes, and subalpine areas where trees are sparse. Rivers that change their course frequently are not conducive to the growth of large trees, but are very suitable for dense shrubs. The eroded valley is hit by avalanches in winter, and the shrubs are completely covered by snow, but when summer arrives, they immediately stick their heads out unscathed and spit out new shoots.

Climbers prefer old forests or open lines to young forests. The dense foliage of the old forest blocks the sunlight and inhibits the growth of the shrub forest. But there are shrubs everywhere in the young forest. Forests destroyed by forest fires, storms, or deforestation regenerate with dense underbrush, which are most intractable when they reach a height of seven meters (twenty feet).

Wind-blown trees, avalanche fans, and litter from logging are harder to get through. These messy things can make the travel speed as slow as a snail pupil, it is best to change the route. Densely intertwined cedars cling to cliffs and rocky areas, creating another obstacle.

If you have to fight the bushes, the following methods can reduce the difficulty. Find the shortest path through the bushes. Walk on long, straight fallen logs. Push and pull away bush branches, foot lower branches, and lift or climb higher branches to pass. On steep terrain, use strong branches as a grip.

However, it is best to avoid bushes. Here are some tips for avoiding bushes:

Make the most of the trails, a five-mile trail is easier than a mile of bushland.

Consider traveling during the season when the snow is burying the bushes. Some valleys are covered with snow and ice in May, making it easy to walk, but when the snow melts in July, it is impossible to pass through.

Avoid avalanchetracks. Long valleys are better off south- or west-facing slopes, where avalanches are less frequent. When climbing a valley wall, you should pass through the woods between the two avalanche routes.

Aim for dense forests, as shrubs are usually sparser under large trees.

Walk on gravel or snow, not the nearby bushes.

Look for hunting trails. Animals usually figure out the best way to go.

Cross lines or ridgespurs, drier and free from shrubs, and the bottoms of creeks and valleys are often full of shrubs.

If one side of the stream is overgrown with shrubs, scout to see if the other side is easier to walk.

If the route is parallel to the stream, consider walking directly into the river. The creek bed may have tunnels in bush piles, making it easier to walk, but wading is necessary. Dry creek beds are ideal, but in deep canyons the stream can be blocked by fallen logs or form a waterfall.

If the route is parallel to the valley, consider climbing directly up the treeline or plot line, and choose a route higher than the bushes.

If there are cliffs on both sides of the valley, walk to the foot of the cliff; a flat and open corridor is often formed under the cliff.

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