The power of walking! 9 benefits of hiking, white-collar workers can relieve stress

9 benefits of hiking

In other words, the old legs get old first. Since 2/3 of the muscles of the human body are concentrated in the lower body, people in their 60s can have 70% of the grip and arm strength of young people, but only 40% of the lower body strength is left. However, you don’t have to worry. Recently, scientists in Israel and the United States have discovered that gentle walking has miraculous anti-aging effects.

New discoveries in modern sports science provide more attractive highlights for hiking. “If you keep walking, men don’t need Viagra.” the motor nerves of the lower extremities of men are inseparable from the erectile nerves responsible for sexual function. Walking four kilometers a day and three times a week has a 67% effect on male sexual dysfunction (ED).

According to the latest report in the New England Journal of Medicine, walking for more than three hours a week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 35% to 40%. According to the latest report of the American “Nature” magazine, people over the age of 60, three days a week, each time walking for more than 45 minutes, can prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Walking more than 7 hours a week can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 20% and has a 50% effect on type 2 diabetes.

Hiking can enhance heart function, making the heart slow and powerful.

Walking on the foot can increase the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce the possibility of blood vessel rupture.

Hiking can enhance muscle strength, strengthen legs, muscles, and bones, make joints flexible, and promote human blood circulation and metabolism.

Hiking can enhance the secretory function of digestive glands, promote regular gastrointestinal motility, increase appetite, and have a good effect on the prevention and treatment of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, habitual constipation, and other diseases.

Walking in the fresh air outdoors, the brain’s thinking activities become clear and flexible, which can effectively eliminate mental fatigue and improve learning and work efficiency. According to the test of relevant experts, those who walk three times a week, one hour each time, for 4 months, have sharper reflections, better vision, and memory than those who don’t like sports.

Hiking is a kind of exercise in stillness, movement, and stillness, which can relieve neuromuscular tension. According to experts’ determination, when irritability and anxiety flood into your heart, you can relieve tension and stabilize your emotions by walking to decompress.

Persistently hiking regularly can eliminate ischemic symptoms or lower blood pressure. Make the human body eliminate fatigue, feel happy, and relieve palpitation and heart palpitations.

Hiking reduces triglycerides, and The accumulation of cholesterol in the arterial walls also reduces the chance of blood sugar being converted to triglycerides.

walking can reduce The accumulation of abdominal fat in the human body and maintains the beauty of the human body.

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