Tips for Reserving Physical Strength on Outdoor Hiking to Prevent Body Overdraft!

In the process of hiking, physical strength is a very critical factor. If physical strength cannot be allocated reasonably, not only will the journey become painful, but even the destination may not be reached. Here are some ways to save physical strength and replenish physical strength. It helps you properly distribute your physical strength during your hike.

1. Adjust the stride

We should use the toughness of our leg muscles during hiking and take small steps. Walking at a constant pace is good for long-lasting hikes.

2. Learn to breathe deeply

Adjust your breathing, don’t be impatient or impatient, follow your rhythm (the most important), don’t chase others, and don’t be fast or slow.

3. Lower the center of gravity

Let your body slightly forward when going up the mountain, and use trekking poles when going down the mountain. It is well understood from the point of view of physics. The center of gravity is low, which not only stabilizes the pace but also saves physical strength.

4. Speak less

Speaking consumes a lot of physical strength. To speak, you need to mobilize the muscles of the mouth, throat, lungs, etc., and transfer blood from the heart to The supply of these muscles for movement, and more seriously, the amount of oxygen consumed by speech is enormous.

5. Learn the correct way of rest

It is necessary to rest properly every time you walk, but correctly. When many ALICE comrades feel tired when going uphill, they sit down without falling. When I want to walk, my already tired legs consume a lot of energy to support my whole body and backpack. There are many ways to rest; there is no need to sit down.

Break can be divided into small and big rest. In general, stand for a short break to take a breath or put down the bag to rest; add some water and energy, and the time should not be too long. Standing or sitting depends on the individual; I prefer to stand and sometimes do not unload the bag. The big break is usually lunch or something, but you can take a longer break.

6. Learn to replenish physical strength by drinking water

Drinking water should be based on the principle of small amounts and frequent drinking. Drinking water is also active. Don’t wait for thirst to drink water passively.

7. Supplement calories and sugar in time:

You should add some calories and sugar during rest to supplement the body in time.

8. Don’t take off your shoes when resting

You can loosen your shoelaces when resting, but you must remember not to take off your shoes before arriving at the campsite. Because the feet will be slightly swollen during long-distance walking, and the rest of the way to take off shoes, the next road will only be miserable.

Have you learned how to save energy and replenish physical energy effectively? (Outdoor Sports Learning Platform)

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