What to do before you travel

Before departure:

1. Preventive vaccines: Check with your doctor’s travel agency for the required international immunizations, such as yellow fever, other vaccines such as cholera, tetanus, enteric fever, hepatitis, polio, etc. , vaccines usually do not take effect immediately, so immunizations should be planned one month before departure.

2. Medicines: If you need to take medicines for a long time, you should go to the doctor to get enough medicines and illness certificates.

3. Lightweight medicine box: cotton wool, antipyretics, motion sickness pills, mosquito repellent, etc.


1. Pay attention to diet: only drink boiled water and well-cooked food, avoid raw and cold food. Don’t overeat and drink in moderation.

2. Vaccines may not be absolutely effective, and immunization cannot prevent all infections. Be careful is the only way.

In the suburbs:

1. It is not advisable to swim and barefoot in rivers or swamps, as these water sources may contain germs or parasites.

2. Keep away from stray cats, dogs and wild monkeys, and avoid areas with many mosquitoes.

After returning:

If you feel unwell, such as fever, chills, rash, diarrhea, or vomiting, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, or go to a government clinic. Remember to tell your doctor where you have been, including transit countries.

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