What to do if you are trapped in danger during outdoor climbing

In recent years, with the continuous increase of outdoor sports such as mountaineering and rock climbing, climbers have frequently been in distress and trapped. Some even lost their lives. Then, reasonable self-rescue measures are essential when the climbers are trapped in the mountains or lost in the wild.

Outdoor Mountaineering Precautions

1. First, you must understand the object you want to conquer and do an excellent job in the preliminary work. Know the mountaineering route in advance, plan the rest and dining places, and have an acquaintance lead the way to prevent blindly rushing into the mountains.

2. Prepare sports shoes, dry food, and water. In summer, bring enough water because mountaineering will sweat; if you do not add enough water, it is prone to collapse and heat stroke. Be aware of the climatic characteristics of the mountain and try to get a reliable weather forecast before climbing. Bring clothes to keep warm in the morning and evening to prevent colds. It is best to avoid climbing on rainy days and a day or two after rain. It is best to carry first aid medicines with you, such as Yunnan Baiyao, hemostatic bandages, etc., to come in handy in case of falls, bruises, and sprains. But also pay attention to bringing the essentials; it is best to pack light.

3. Do an excellent warm-up exercise. If the mountain to be climbed is relatively high or you usually participate in fewer climbing sports, it is necessary to do warm-up exercises before climbing. That is to use 10-20 minutes to do some muscle stretching exercises and try to relax the powers of the whole body so that you will feel much more accessible when climbing.

4. Don’t look around and talk to each other during the mountain climbing process; pay attention to the conditions under your feet and the surrounding mountains. If you need to shoot the scenery, you must stop shooting to avoid unnecessary damage. If the mountain road is relatively steep, you can climb in a “Z” shape, which is more labor-saving.

5. Relax down the mountain. When going down the hill, you must control your footsteps and not rush too fast, which is easy to be injured. At the same time, pay attention to relaxing the muscles in the knee area; too tight will produce more pressure on the leg joints and tire the muscles.

6. The best time to climb is in the morning or morning, and you should go down the mountain and return to the station in the afternoon. Do not arbitrarily change the climbing route and time. The backpack should be carried by hand rather than on the shoulders to facilitate grasping and climbing with both hands. You can also use a sturdy, long stick as a walking stick to help you climb.

Using Natural Orientation

Getting lost and trapped isn’t scary; the key depends on how to find a way to get out after getting lost, and mastering some basic common sense of wilderness survival is very helpful for self-rescue after getting lost.

1. Use a compass to identify directions. A high-quality compass is a must for field travel. However, if the compass pointer points to “north” or “N,” this direction is the direction of magnetic north, and there is a deviation angle from the tip of true north. The number difference of magnetic declination should be calculated. To obtain the exact direction of the Luo box.

2. Watches with pointers are used to hold the watch flat, with the dial facing up, turn the watch, and point the hour hand on the watch box to the sun. At this time, the clock’s hour hand forms an angle with 12 o’clock on the dial, and the direction of the angle bisector’s extension line is the south.

3, but also rely on nature to identify the direction. The North Star is the best compass, and the order of the North Star is true north.

The Big Dipper, also known as the Ursa Major, is like a big spoon, which is easy to find in the clear night sky. When viewed from the direction of the extension line of the two stars on the side of the spoon, it is about five times apart. , a brighter star is Polaris, which is due north.

4. Judging the direction of the plant growth. The dense canopy

of trees and moss should be south, and the sparse side should be north.

5. The direction can also be determined by observing the tree rings. The sparsely-grained side of the annual rings faces south, and the densely-grained side faces north.

Trapped First SOS

Everyone has it with them. Wearing a mobile phone and other communication equipment, if you are trapped on the mountain, the first way to ask for help is to use your mobile phone to call the police or contact your relatives and friends.

However, the mobile phone signal may be poor, or the mobile phone may be out of power on the mountain, so it is necessary to master other ways of asking for help.

If you carry a whistle, please keep whistling to attract others’ attention. Mountains are generally quieter, and the sound can travel farther. If you don’t have a whistle, you can call for help. But calling for help should not be too frequent to prevent wasting too much physical effort.

At night, fire is the most effective means of signaling. Build three fires in a triangle (internationally trapped signal) or a straight line. Start fires as soon as time and circumstances permit, taking care not to put them out.

You can use branches, bright cloth strips, or other objects that are easier to see with the naked eye and place them as SOS or other distress signals. If planes fly over the mountain, it will be easier to see.

In addition, if you get lost in the daytime on a field adventure, you can use a mirror to use sunlight to reflect intermittent light signals to possible residential areas or rescue planes in the air. You can also put clothes on the ground or trees. The top is lined up in a large geometric pattern to signal.

Find Shelter

When trapped in the wild and alone, When we cannot get out of the danger in a short time, or someone is injured and has difficulty moving, we can only wait for rescue in place; we have to spend the night in the wild and find a way to build a temporary feral shelter.

According to the local geographical conditions and taking advantage of the grace of nature, we can sometimes find ready-made natural shelters or temporarily sheltered with a bit of modification, such as caves, tree holes, and tree roots. Wait.

If no other shelter can be found, some pits can be used. Cover the hole with branches and weeds, and put some hay at the bottom of the pit to sleep.

Such a remodeled shelter is like a shallow kiln. The effect of keeping warm and sheltering from the wind is better than a tent, especially in cold areas; such a shelter can even live for a long time.

If you can’t find a ready-made or semi-ready shelter, you can only build it yourself. There are no restrictions on the materials for building a shelter. According to local conditions, there are many choices. Creating a comfortable and sturdy cover is simple if you use your brains and try more.

Treat the wound in time after the injury

It is easy to fall when climbing once ” Don??t move or pulls the injured person at will. On-site first aid should carry out hemostatic bandages according to the injury and fix the fractured part.

Falling injuries often cause cervical spine and spinal injuries, and random movement will aggravate the injury. 3 to 4 people should support the wounded’ head, shoulders, hips, and lower limbs, and one person should direct and act simultaneously. The injured should be placed on a wooden board and fixed, and soft objects such as bed sheets should not be transported.

The injured person with a cervical spine should also immobilize his head and wear a neck brace. If there is no neck brace, place a sandbag or clothing on each side of the injured person’s neck to prevent the head from twisting or Flexion, which leads to an aggravation of cervical spine injury.

The “ALICE” traveling with you should call 119 and 120 as soon as possible and send 1 or 2 people to wait at the main intersection closest to the incident and guide the rescuers. Other left-behind personnel should designate one person to comfort the injured with more words to reduce the mental pain of the wounded.

At the same time, other people try to clear the obstacles around the accident site to expand the work area for the subsequent fire rescue work and gain rescue time.

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